I stumbled upon Ross’ Instagram account, Odedetoilet months ago and have been actively following it ever since…Ross features the most unique restroom signs from around the world. Odedetoilet’s collection of signs is expansive and ranges from comical to historical. I was so intrigued by this account I had to know what inspired them to document such universal signs.
What made you want to start your Instagram page?
“I’m a graphic designer so I’ve always been fascinated signs and icons and with bathroom signs because it is a universal symbol that looks different in every place but is easily understood even without translation. My original collection is on Tumblr but I transferred to IG this year since this is what I use the most 🙂 My original Tumblr site: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/odedetoilet
This is my first post from Thessoloniki, Greece in January 2010.” Ross Laccay, 2017.
What’s your favorite restroom signs you ever seen?
“I don’t think I can choose a favorite because I always see a better or more interesting one everytime :)” Ross Laccay, 2017.
Do you prefer comical, historical or artsy restroom signs?
“I like clever, simple signs. Ones that look almost identical except for a line or a curve that changes the meaning of the sign. or even where a shape is just flipped to change the meaning.
I also like signs cultural signs that show a national costume or the writing from that country or how women are portrayed in that particular country.
Like in Saudi, the symbol of the woman is all covered or a regular sign has the skirt of the woman longer than what is normal 🙂 ” Ross Laccay, 2017.
Odedetoilet is just another reason as to why I believe social media is one of the greatest gifts to us in modern civilization, I am truly inspired by their account to see the beauty in ordinary things in which may have previously overlooked. Follow Odedetoilet’s Instagram page here!!!!
Michelle Hillis
Photos Courtesy of Rocilyn Locin Laccay, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/odedetoilet
We have used Royal Restrooms at our annual event for several years and cannot say enough about their product and service! The restrooms are clean and pleasant and whenever there is a problem there is always someone on the other end of the phone that is friendly and helpful and ready to solve any problem! I have had many unpleasant experiences with other companies and this one is the BEST!
Patricia H. Hayward, CA