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Luxury Mobile Restroom & Shower Trailers

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Keeping Our Cool

If you’re a fellow Californian like myself, you understand much our climate has changed over the matter of a few years. You would also know just how little rainfall we have had in the last three years. I’ve gotten to the point where I get as excited for rain as I do when avocados are on sale at the local supermarket!

Along with the lack of rainfall, the climate of California is changing. We are seeing fewer seasons Woodside_March 14 2015and are being hit with record setting heatwaves. According to U.S. News “Climate change intensified the California drought by fueling record-breaking temperatures that evaporated critically important snowpack, converted snow to rain, and dried out soils. This past winter in California (December 2014 to February 2015) was officially the warmest on record by a wide margin. February 2015 was California’s singularly warmest February on record. All of this falls on the heels of the 2014 calendar year — which was the warmest in California in 119 years of record keeping, smashing the prior records by an unprecedented margin.” (Nesbit, 2015).

As our climate is changing it is critical for all of us to try and conserve and respect our environment. As I learned from my mother, change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. We just have to adapt, improvise and overcome.


We understand how critical it is to not only be accountable for our carbon footprint but also lead by example by designing state of the art resourceful trailers.

We here at Royal Restrooms take pride in our ecofriendly and resourceful trailers. Every one of our trailers require little electricity and our sinks/showers are all on metered faucets. We’ve truly gone the extra mile as even our trucks are equipped with idle alerts in order to not waste precious fuel.

These heatwaves can really put a damper on the idea of hosting an event outdoors as you do not want your guests to suffer in the heat. Lucky for our clients, each one of our trailers is equipped with both heating and air-conditioning. So, let us help you keep your cool, your guests will thank you!


Yours Truly,

Michelle Hillis



Nesbit, J. (2015). Climate Change Caused California Drought. Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/at-the-edge


Your bathrooms were the talk of the party! You just don’t know how many people complimented us on the bathrooms!

Yvonne M., S F Bay Area. CA
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